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موضوع: PSP Audioware MixPack VST RTAS v2.0.3 Incl Keygen-AiR

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    Amirreza آواتار ها
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    تاریخ عضویت
    Oct 2006
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    پیش فرض PSP Audioware MixPack VST RTAS v2.0.3 Incl Keygen-AiR

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    PSP Audioware MixPack VST RTAS v2.0.3 Incl Keygen-AiR

    PSP MixPack2 is a collection of five high-resolution,
    high quality audio processors designed to improve the
    quality of your digital audio tracks and mixes (VST
    and RTAS for Windows. These processors were not
    modeled on specific hardware analog processors, but
    rather on the sound and features of many analog
    circuits, with the goal of designing processors that
    can assist you in taming the sterility and harshness
    that often plagues digitally recorded audio. Dont
    let the name of this bundle fool you - while we
    worked hard to develop a plug-in pack that would help
    your mixes shine, these plug-ins are high enough
    quality to be at home in mastering or live tracking
    situations as well. All plug-ins utilize 64-bit
    double precision floating point algorithms throughout
    their entire signal path and support sample rates of
    up to 192kHz.

    PSP MixBass2

    PSP MixBass2 is a specialized low frequency processor
    designed to help you achieve punchy, analog bass
    sounds with your audio material. PSP MixBass2 sounds
    really excellent with percussion loops, however it
    can be used successfully to enhance the low end of
    any audio material. How PSP MixBass2 will affect any
    given audio material depends on the type of material
    being processed.

    PSP MixBass2 features a unique low-frequency
    compression algorithm and low frequency harmonics
    generator. There is a low-pass filter for the control
    signal and a low cut filter within the signal path.
    Finally, the Punch section includes a dynamically
    controlled filter to emphasize or attenuate the
    chosen mid-range frequency dynamically according to
    the low-frequency material.

    PSP MixTreble2

    PSP MixTreble2 offers specialized processors designed
    to extend the dynamic range, sharpness, clarity, and
    spatiality of a signals treble frequencies, and
    spatiality of high frequencies. It can improve
    definition and sound quality of complete mixes, boost
    characteristic features of acoustic instruments, and
    revitalize archival recordings. PSP MixTreble2 can
    help add presence to a track, as well as lower the
    noise floor of a given track or complete mix. PSP
    MixTreble2 incorporates the following four

    Hiss remover - designed to help decrease the amount
    of tape noise, extra-auditory high frequencies or
    undesired reverberations in the high frequency range

    Stereo enhancer - increases the spatiality of
    processed material

    Transient enhancer - designed for stimulating
    flattened transients

    Harmonics generator - designed for widening the
    frequency range by enriching the harmonics lacking in
    the processed signal.

    Finally, PSP MixTreble2 also includes a switchable
    soft-clipping algorithm which prevents the output
    level from exceeding 0dBFS.

    PSP MixPressor2

    PSP MixPressor2 is a fully-featured, high precision
    compressor designed to process either whole mixes or
    single tracks. PSP MixPressor2 emulates the classic
    characteristics of compressors with valve and opto
    -electronic circuits as as classic modern compression
    solutions. PSP MixPressor2 also offers a highly
    configurable side-chain feature. The side-chain
    filter has a significant effect on PSP MixPressor2s
    sound and operation. The filter also enables the user
    to operate the compressor as a de-esser or to lessen
    the pumping effects of heavy kick drums and the like,
    based on the side-chain settings. The PSP MixPressor2
    offers a wide range of features:

    a wide range of soft knee characteristics

    either peak or RMS level detection

    external or internal side chain signal with a smooth
    bell-type filter

    a output algorithm which can operate as either a
    brick wall limiter or soft saturation algorithm to
    preserve peaks above 0dBFS.

    PSP MixPressor2 also works very well in combination
    with the PSP MixSaturator2. With the PSP MixPressor2
    before the PSP MixSaturator2 in the signal path
    (think of a bus compressor before a tape machine),
    you can employ both plug-ins simultaneously (at
    subtle settings!) in order to impart a very cohesive
    sound, like your mix was being produced on expensive
    analog hardware. Of course, you can also reverse the
    order, placing PSP MixSaturator2 before PSP
    MixPressor2 - neverbe afraid to experiment!

    PSP MixSaturator2

    PSP MixSaturator2 simulates the way that analog
    devices such as tape recorders and valve circuits
    warm up and saturate your audio material. This is
    achieved by adding harmonics, dedicated filtering,
    and dynamic processing. PSP MixSaturator2 uses three
    different algorithms to simulate these devices:

    A bass frequency processing algorithm, which adds low
    frequency harmonics and increases the magnitude
    nonlinearities (more commonly known as the low
    frequency bump) typical of analog tape recordings

    A treble frequency processing algorithm, which
    simulates tape saturation and high frequency loss at
    high levels without increasing the level of
    distortion and aliasing.

    An overall saturation simulation algorithm, which
    enables the user to choose between seven distinct
    non-linearity curves characteristic of valve devices,
    analog tape machines, and the sound of digital

    PSP MixGate2

    PSP MixGate2 is a professional quality high precision
    noise gate that makes its debut in MixPack2 (hence
    the 2 in the name, so its clear that this plug-in
    only comes as part of MixPack2). The gate is fully
    configurable and can operate fast enough for special
    effects (such as stuttering audio) and smoothly
    enough to gate unwanted noise without sounding

    PSP MixGate2 includes both high and low pass filters
    so as to tailor the control signal. By filtering out
    unwanted frequencies, you can ensure that only the
    desired frequency can trigger the gate.

    [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید]

    [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید]

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