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موضوع: Steinberg Voice Machine

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    Amirreza آواتار ها
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    Oct 2006
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    پیش فرض Steinberg Voice Machine

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    یک پلاگین خیلی خوب برای افکت گذاری روی صدای خواننده

    Steinberg Media Technologies AG today announced the Voice Machine, two new real-time voice effect tools for the VST PC and Mac platform. Voice Machine is the ultimate application for redesigning the voice whether by altering the pitch by leaving the natural character untouched or by creating completely new sound files.

    The VM Generator allows one to work with the voice in the same way that one would use an instrument. This means a layout for a backing choir can be created in minutes, reducing recording time to a minimum. The VM Generator creates up to 4 additional voices by simply triggering them via MIDI Note On/Off events. Vocal arrangements are easily played along with the lead vocal by using the keyboard in real-time or drawing MIDI note events in any VST sequencer program. The VM Processor allows the user to either change the melody or simply correct the intonation by changing the pitch of a voice without changing the voices original character.

    In addition, Steinberg's VST 2.0 interface enables for both plug-ins the control of all parameters by sending MIDI controller events. There are independent controls for the pitch shift and character profile. These could be used independently for natural pitch shifting or used interactively to create a range of effects such as simulating other singing voices, and even imprinting the character of the male voice onto a female vocalist


    [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید]
    گفتند ستاره را نمی توان چید ... و آنان که باور کردند... برای چیدن ستاره ... حتی دستی دراز نکردند... اما باور کن ... که من به سوی زیباترین و دورترین ستاره... دست دراز کردم... و هر چند دستانم تهی ماند ... اما چشمانم لبریز ستاره شد
    Always The Simplest Is The Best

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