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موضوع: Cattle Decapitation

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    Yngwie_5 آواتار ها
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    Jul 2011
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    پیش فرض Cattle Decapitation

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    Genre: Death Metal/Grindcore
    Country: USA
    Quality: mp3/320 kbps
    Lyrical Themes: Misanthropy, Gore, Diseases, Cattle
    Current line-up:
    Travis Ryan - Vocals
    Josh Elmore - Guitar
    Troy Oftedal - Bass
    David McGraw - Drums
    Additional notes:
    The band also has a quite large fanbase among Animal rights/liberation supporters which are usually more connected to the Hardcore punk scene. When one sees through the gory image, the band is basically pro-animal/environment/earth and strongly anti-human (also all the members are vegetarians).
    The band started as a 3 piece with an unknown guitarist/vocalist, who soon allegedly vanished without the other members knowing anything of his whereabouts.

    Official Albums:
    Human Jerky 1999
    Homovore 2000
    To Serve Man 2002
    Humanure 2004
    Karma. Bloody. Karma 2006
    The Harvest Floor 2009
    Monolith Of Inhumanity 2012

    Human Jerky 1999

    01. Cloned For Carrion
    02. Parasitic Infestation
    03. Unclogged And Ready For Spewage
    04. Gestation Of Smega
    05. Mute Rain
    06. Flesheating Disease
    07. Decapitation Of Cattle
    08. Constipation Camp
    09. Into To Carnage
    10. Cream Of The Crop
    11. Mad Cow Conspiracy
    12. Veal And The Cult Of Torture
    13. Stench From The Dumpster
    14. Body Snatcher
    15. Roadkill Removal Technician
    16. Bovine, Swine And Human Rinds
    17. Bludgeoned, Beaten And Barbecued
    18. Colon Blo

    [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید]

    Homovore 2000

    01. Mauled
    02. Joined At The Ass
    03. Open Human Head Experiments With Bleach Lacquer And Epoxy
    04. Diarrhea Of The Mouth
    05. Headcheese
    06. Colostomy Jigsaw Puzzle
    07. Pepe's Trepes
    08. Release The Gimp
    09. The Roadside Dead (Detrunked Stumpification Through Roadrash)
    10. Carnal Fecophelia Due To Prolonged Exposure To Methane
    11. Icepick Gag Reflex
    12. Bathing In A Grease Disposal Unit
    13. Molested-Digested
    14. Wine Of The Sanguine
    15. Ride'Em Cowboy
    16. Human Jerky And The Active Cultures

    [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید]
    To Serve Man 2002

    01. Testicular Manslaughter
    02. I Eat Your Skin
    03. Writhe In Putressence
    04. Land Of The Severed Meatus
    05. The Regurgitation Of Corpses
    06. Everyone Deserves To Die
    07. To Serve Man
    08. Colonic Villus Biopsy Performed On The Gastro-Intestinally Incapable
    09. Pedeadstrians
    10. Long-Pig Chef And The Hairless Goat
    11. Hypogastric Combustion By C-4 Plastique
    12. Deadmeal
    13. Chunk Blower

    [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید]
    Humanure 2004

    01. Scatology Domine (Intro)
    02. Humanure
    03. Reduced To Paste
    04. Bukkake Tsunamy
    05. Cloacula The Anthropophagic Copromantik
    06. Chummified
    07. Applied Human Defragmentation
    08. The Earthling
    09. Polyps
    10. Lips & Assholes
    11. Men Before Swine (Outro)

    [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید]
    Karma. Bloody. Karma 2006

    01. Intro
    02. Unintelligent Design
    03. Success Is... (Hanging By The Neck)
    04. One Thousand Decapitation
    05. The Carcass Derrick
    06. Total Gore
    07. Bereavement
    08. Suspended In Coprolite
    09. Alone At The Landfill
    10. Karma. Bloody. Karma
    11. The New Dawn
    12. Of Human Pride & Flatulence

    [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید]
    The Harvest Floor 2009

    01. The Gardens Of Eden
    02. A Body Farm
    03. We Are Horrible People
    04. Tooth Enamel And Concrete
    05. The Ripe Beneath The Rind
    06. The Product Alive
    07. In Axestasy
    08. Into The Public Bath
    09. The Harvest Floor
    10. Regret & The Grave

    [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید]
    Monolith Of Inhumanity 2012

    1. The Carbon Stampede 03:39
    2. Dead Set on Suicide 03:18
    3. A Living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat 02:58
    4. Forced Gender Reassignment 03:54
    5. Gristle Licker 04:54
    6. Projectile Ovulation 03:31
    7. Lifestalker 04:15
    8. Do Not Resuscitate 03:18
    9. Your Disposal 04:47
    10. The Monolith 03:39
    11. Kingdom of Tyrants 04:50

    [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید]
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    آخرين نوشته: Monday 22 April 2013, 08:16 PM

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