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موضوع: متن و ترجمه ترانه های Gipsy Kings به انگلیسی

  1. #1
    Mona آواتار ها
    مسئول بازنشسته

    عنوان کاربری
    مسئول بازنشسته
    شماره عضویت
    تاریخ عضویت
    Aug 2008
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    پیش فرض متن و ترجمه ترانه های Gipsy Kings به انگلیسی

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    The Gipsy Kings Albums

    Pasajero 2006
    ROOTS 2004
    COMPAS 1997
    LOVE SONGS 1996
    ESTRELLAS 1995
    LOVE & LIBERTE 1993
    ESTE MUNDO 1991
    MOSAIQUE 1989
    GIPSY KINGS 1988
    DJOBI, DJOBA 1988
    LUNA DE FUEGO 1983
    ALLEGRIA 1982


    Allegria - 1982

    __________________________________________________ __________

    Pena Penita.1

    Pain Little Pain

    Yo vi llorar, yo vi llorar un gitano,
    un gitano yo vi llorar de tristeza
    por ti no me la hace hombre
    que se ame, por ti llorar de tristeza
    Va tirando por la calle
    como un pobre vagabundo
    que pena me da ese hombre
    que se ame, por ti llorar de tristeza
    *Pena penita, pena penita, pena penita
    que yo lo siento yo
    Pena penita, pena penita,
    pena penita que yo lo siento yo
    Yo vi llorar, yo vi llorar un gitano,
    un gitano yo vi llorar de tristeza
    por ti no me la hace hombre
    que se ame, por ti llorar de tristeza

    **Pena penita que lo siento yo
    Pena penita que lo siento yo
    Pena penita que lo siento yo


    I saw crying, I saw a gypsy crying
    I saw a gypsy crying because of sadness
    Because of you it doesn't make him a
    man to love, for you crying because of sadness
    He goes thrown in the street
    like a poor vagabond
    what pain that man gives me
    that he loves, for you crying because of sadness
    *Pain little pain, pain little pain, pain
    little pain that I feel
    Pain little pain, pain little pain, pain
    little pain that I feel
    I saw crying, I saw a gypsy crying
    I saw a gypsy crying because of sadness
    Because of you it doesn't make a
    man to love, for you crying because of sadness

    **Pain little pain that I feel
    Pain little pain that I feel
    Pain little pain that I feel


    Translated by Rennie Selvaggio
    __________________________________________________ ___



    Rodando por la vida como un pobre peregrino
    encerrado en la puerta que no me quede un amigo
    y esta mi mar amarrada abandonado y solito
    pero mi vida, se enclavara
    se enclavara como las aguas de un rio
    pero mi vida, mi vida, se enclavara
    como las aguas que un hombre ha vivido.
    para, para, para, para...

    Rolling through life like a poor pilgrim
    locked at the door and no friend is left for me
    and my sea is bound, abandoned and alone
    but my life, will be pierced
    will be pierced like the waters of a river
    but my life, my life, will be pierced
    like the waters that a man has lived
    para, para, para, para...

    Translated by Rennie Selvaggio

    La Dona.3

    The Lady

    Por el amor de una mujer.
    Sin saber, se comprende.
    Yo no quiero en nuestro amor pensar.
    Por el amor de una mujer
    que no llego a comprender
    en el fondo de mi vida.
    Todo me parece como un sueno de la vida.
    Todo cambiara de nuestro amor sincero.
    Todo me parece que tu no lo acariciabas.
    Te prometo, te prometo, que no volvera.

    For the love a lady
    Without knowing, you understand.
    I don't want to think about our love.
    For the love a lady
    Which in all my life
    I'll never fully understand.
    Everything in life seems dreamy.
    Everything in our true love will change.
    It all seems that you did not treasure it.
    I promise, I promise, it won't come back.

    Translated by Kelly Wing

    Un Amor.4

    A love

    Un amor
    Un amor vivi llorando.
    Y mi decia:
    Las palabras de Dios,
    Llorando por ti- es con amor.
    Un amor
    Un amor vivi llorando
    ya tormentado. Already tormented
    Las palabras de Dios,
    Llorando por ti- es con amor.
    Hay para ya vivir acunto a ti.
    Me enamore alla de ti.
    Ya sin tus besos yo no puedo
    vivir en el acordar.
    Yo quisiera
    Para entender un amor y saber
    Que me queria ya tormentado.
    Las palabras de Dios,
    Llorando por ti- es con amor.
    Hay para ya vivir acunto a ti.
    Me enamore alla de ti.
    Ya sin tus besos yo no puedo
    vivir en el acordar.

    A love
    Un amor vivi llorando. A love I lived crying
    She would say to me:
    The word of God,
    (crying for you- it's with love.)
    A love
    A love I lived crying,
    Already tormented
    The word of God,
    (crying for you- it's with love.)
    There's now a reason to live by your side.
    I fell in love with you there.
    And without your kisses I cannot
    live in the memory.
    I would like,
    so I could understand a love, to know
    that it loved me, tormented.
    The word of God,
    (crying for you- it's with love.)
    There's now a reason to live by your side.
    I fell in love with you there.
    And without your kisses I cannot
    live in the memory.

    (NOTE: In the chorus where he says 'acunto a ti', I am sure
    he is saying this. In real Spanish it should be 'junto a')

    Translated by Kelly Wing

    Papa No Pega La Mama.5

    Dad, Don't Hit Mom

    papa papa no la pegues a la mama
    papa papa no la pegues a la mama
    papa papa no la pegues a la mama
    Ay, papa no la pegues a la mama
    por culpa de una gallina
    ay papa mio, no la pegues a la mama
    papa papa no la pegues a la mama
    papa papa no la pegues a la mama
    papa papa no la pegues a la mama
    *Papa ese me la decisian
    que no me voy de la casa
    porque ya ha vuelto a amar
    porque ya ha vuelto a amar
    porque la vas a matar

    no la pegues a la mama
    que la vas a matar

    Dad, don't hit mom
    Dad, don't hit mom
    Dad, don't hit mom
    Ay, dad, don't hit mom
    for the blame of a hen
    Ay, my dad, don't hit mom
    Dad, don't hit mom
    Dad, don't hit mom
    Dad, don't hit mom
    *Dad, that is my decision
    that I am not leaving home
    because love has returned
    because love has returned
    because you are going to kill her

    Don't hit mom
    you are going to kill her

    Translated by Rennie Selvaggio




    Triste, ay ni llorando del amor que para heroe
    triste, llamar heroe, voy a sufrido,
    voy a llorar por si te amado y
    Ya aprende la ley que hemos pasado
    ya aprende que el que puede se elige
    Todo hay que todo hay que matar o no
    Todo hay que todo hay que matar o no
    Todo hay que todo hay que matar o no
    Alli pasa la pena
    Ay no le queria a Maria, usado
    Ay no le queria a Maria, usado
    ay porque te amo
    Maria, Maria tu cara bonita
    Maria, Maria tu cara bonita
    ay tus cabellos, tu cara bonita
    ay tus cabellos, tu cara bonita
    ay porque te amo
    ay haberte usado porque te amo
    ay no queria porque te amo
    de haberte usado

    Sad, ay not even crying for love but for
    a sad hero, to call hero, I am going to suffer
    I am going to cry for loving you
    Learn the law that we have passed
    Learn that he who can is chosen
    Everything there is has to kill or not
    Everything there is has to kill or not
    Everything there is has to kill or not
    There is where pain happens
    Ay I didn't love Mary, used
    Ay I didn't love Mary, used
    ay because I love you
    Maria, Maria your pretty face
    Maria, Maria your pretty face
    Ay your hair, your pretty face
    Ay your hair, your pretty face
    ay because I love you
    ay having used you because I love you
    ay I didn't want to because I love you
    having used you

    Translated by Rennie Selvaggio


    Amor D'un Dia.7

    Love of A Day

    Volvere de un amor de su dia
    cantare de su amor existia
    yo te di un amor es mi vida
    para cantar
    el amor empenado
    que todo yo amo por vivir y cantar
    que no te encuentro la felicidad
    que no quererte nuestro amor de ti
    solo te encuentras para ti
    Yo te di un amor en el fondo de mi vida
    para cantarllorando de mi despedido
    yo te di en el fondo de mi vida
    llorado, llorado un adios
    yo te di en el fondo de mi vida cantar
    recuerda de noche y dia
    yo te di en el fondo de mi vida
    llorando triste de verdad

    I will return from a love of a day
    I will sing that this love used to exist
    I gave you a love that is my life
    To sing
    The pained love
    That I love everything to live and sing
    That I don't find happiness in you
    That not loving you our love
    You only find for yourself
    I gave you a love in the depths of my life
    To sing and cry about my leaving
    I gave you in the depths of my love
    Crying, crying a goodbye
    I gave you in the depths of my life to sing
    a remebrance of night and day
    I gave you in the depths of my life
    Crying truly sad.

    Translated by Rennie Selvaggio




    Amor vivir, amor llorar
    un dia suelta de felicidad
    si yo no te encuentro yo solo pol la calle
    Amor vivir, amor llorar
    un dia suelta de felicidad
    si yo no te encuentro yo solo pol la calle
    Yo quisiera hoy saber
    eres todos como amigos
    Yo quisiera hoy saber
    el motivo que tu tienes
    Amor vivir, amor llorar
    un dia suelta de felicidad
    si yo no te encuentro yo solo pol la calle

    Love to live, love to cry
    a day without happiness
    If I don't find you alone in the street
    Love to live, love to cry
    a day without happiness
    If I don't find you alone in the street
    I would like to know today
    If you are all as friends
    I would like to know today
    The motive that you have
    Love to live, love to cry
    a day without happiness
    If I don't find you alone in the street

    Translated by Rennie Selvaggio




    Ademas de mi persona
    que tu no tienes acabar
    que bendices tu hermosura
    aunque se pagara el amor
    el dinero, el dinero,
    el dinero
    Yo tendre que erosinarme
    el se quite tu hermosura
    ay yo se vivo llorando
    no me pidas que te quiera
    tu hermosura, tu hermosura,
    tu hermosura

    Besides me
    what else have you finished
    you bless your beauty
    even though love will be paid
    with money, with money,
    with money
    I will have to hope
    that your beauty is taken away
    ay I know that I live crying
    don't ask me to love you
    your beauty, your beauty,
    your beauty

    Translated by Rennie Selvaggio


    Viento Del Arena.10

    Sand In The Wind

    Dimelo partir y ir al
    dimelo dilalo
    latira malacali
    latira malacali
    masimela la malacali
    va tirando de la malacali
    va tirando de la malacali
    dimelo hay un martir y ir al
    dimelo hay un martir y ir al
    miralo miralo
    dimelo partir y ir al
    latira malacali
    latira malacali

    God, I sing your splendor
    You, who are the earth and the fire
    The water and the wind.
    All the sons of the wind are your sons
    All the sons of the wind are brothers
    This is why I sing my brothers of the desert
    The sons of the sand of the desert.

    Translated by Lauren Pace




    De las cosas que estoy pasando
    ay de la penita me moria
    en las cosas que estoy pasando
    ay por ti me moriria ay dimelo,
    ay dimelo, ay dimelo
    ay no me llores madre mia
    ay porque me siento solo
    ay no me llores madre mia
    ay porque yo tengo muy penado
    ay dimelo, ay dimelo,
    ay dimelo ay dimelo,
    ay dimelo, ay dimelo
    ay de un amor que yo tenia
    ay llorando ya me he penado
    ay de un amor que yo tenia
    ay llorando ya me he penado
    ay dimelo, ay dimelo,
    ay dimelo ay dimelo,
    ay dimelo, ay dimelo

    Of the things that are happening to me
    ay I was dying of pain
    of the things that are happening to me
    ay because of you I would die ay tell it to me,
    ay tell it to me, ay tell it to me
    ay don't cry for me my mother
    ay because I feel alone
    ay don't cry for me my mother
    because I am very pained
    ay tell it to me, ay tell it to me,
    ay tell it to me, ay tell it to me,
    ay tell it to me, ay tell it to me
    ay of a love that I had
    ay crying, I was pained
    ay of a love that I had
    ay crying, I was pained
    ay tell it to me, ay tell it to me,
    ay tell it to me, ay tell it to me,
    ay tell it to me, ay tell it to me

    Translated by Rennie Selvaggio



    I Hear

    Ciento, ciente tus pasos
    Ciento, ciente tu voz
    Ciento, ciente tus pasos
    Ciento, ciente tu voz
    las chiquitas son bonitas,
    son bonitas y bailan bien
    por el mundo se les manda y conmigo
    las pasan bien
    las chiquitas son bonitas,
    son bonitas y bailan bien
    por el mundo se les manda y conmigo
    las pasan bien
    escuchose, los cienta en el guan-guan-do
    escuchose, los cienta en el guan-guan-do
    escuchose, los cienta en el guan-guan-do
    escuchose, los cienta en el guan-guan-do
    Ciento, ciente tus pasos
    Ciento, ciente tu voz
    Ciento, ciente tus pasos
    Ciento, ciente tu voz
    las bonitas son chiquitas,
    son bonitas y bailan bien
    por el mundo se les manda y conmigo
    las pasan bien
    las chiquitas son bonitas,
    son bonitas y bailan bien
    por el mundo se les manda y conmigo
    las pasan bien

    *(1) (repeat)
    Ciento, ciente tus pasos
    Ciento, ciente tu voz
    Ciento, ciente tus pasos
    Ciento, ciente tu voz
    *(1) (repeat)

    I hear, I hear your steps
    I hear, I hear your voice
    I hear, I hear your steps
    I hear, I hear your voice
    The little girls are pretty
    they are pretty and dance well
    throughout the world they are sent with me
    and they have a good time
    The little girls are pretty
    they are pretty and dance well
    throughout the world they are sent with me
    and they have a good time
    Listen, I hear them in the guan-guan-do
    Listen, I hear them in the guan-guan-do
    Listen, I hear them in the guan-guan-do
    Listen, I hear them in the guan-guan-do
    I hear, I hear your steps
    I hear, I hear your voice
    I hear, I hear your steps
    I hear, I hear your voice
    The pretty girls are little
    They are pretty and dance well
    throughout the world they are sent with me
    and they have a good time
    The little girls are pretty
    they are pretty and dance well
    throughout the world they are sent with me
    and they have a good time

    *(1) (repeat)
    I hear, I hear your steps
    I hear, I hear your voice
    I hear, I hear your steps
    I hear, I hear your voice
    *(1) (repeat)

    Translated by Rennie Selvaggio


    Djobi, Djoba.13

    yo vi, yo va

    Hey nino,
    no te encuentro, solito por la calle
    yo me siento enamorado
    yo me siento, ay tesoro
    yo vi yo va cada dia yo te quiero mas
    yo vi yo va, yo vi yo va cada dia yo te
    quiero mas
    yo vi yo va, yo vi yo va cada dia yo te
    quiero mas

    (1)* (repeat)
    Que no me importa
    que la distancia, que nos separa
    que voy acordandome de ti
    que no me aviso para
    (1)* (repeat)

    Hey Baby
    I can not find you lonely on the streets
    I feel in love
    I feel sad and lonely
    Djobi, Djoba, each day I love you more (repeat 6 times)
    I don't care of the distance
    I won't be away from you
    I will be remembering you
    and don't tell me paraguay, ay, ay.

    (Notes: These words don't have translation into spanish. Paraguay sounds exactly as the south american country, its been written the same way, but it doesn't make any sense in the song, sounds to me like a simple expression. I translated this from one of my CD's covers.)

    Translated by Laura Haines




    Recuerda aquella noche
    que tu me renias
    Ay, porque Yo tenia mala vida
    Recuerda aquella noche que tu a mi me renias?
    (repeat l2)
    Recuerda aquella noche
    que pasamos los dos
    El bronce de tu cuerpo
    Salido de mis pena
    Solo aquella carne
    Ay, quiereme
    Porque tengo falta de ti
    La hice
    La hice pecar y peco
    De una mujer que era santa y buena
    Ella se murio de pena
    Ay, de remordimientos, yo
    La hice pecar y peco
    La gitana santa y buena
    Ella se murio de pena
    Ay, de remordimientos, yo
    De lo que hice yo
    Ay, yo, con ella
    Lolailo, lolailo, lolailo

    Remember that night
    when you and me met?
    (repeat 2)
    Ohh... because I lead a rough, bad life...
    (repeat l2)
    Remember when the two of us
    passed through the night
    The bronze of your body
    (You) left because of the pain I inflicted
    As if she were only some piece of meat
    Oh... love me,
    love me
    because I now lack you
    I made her...
    How I made her sin and I sinned myself
    this woman how she was a sait and so good
    She died... she died from pain.
    Oh, the remorse I feel
    see above
    the good, saintly gypsy woman
    She died from the pain
    Oh, the remorse I feel!
    oh, what I did!?
    oh, me... with her
    Lolailo, lolailo, lolailo

    Many thanks to John Ross for offering the words


    منبع: netwave. or. jp
    ویرایش توسط Mona : Sunday 16 May 2010 در ساعت 11:45 PM

  2. 6 کاربر برای این پست از Mona تشکر کرده اند:

  3. # ADS

  4. #2
    Mona آواتار ها
    مسئول بازنشسته

    عنوان کاربری
    مسئول بازنشسته
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    GIPSY KINGS 1988

    __________________________________________________ ____


    Ese amor llega asi de esta manera.
    No tiene la culpa.
    Caballo de danza vana.
    Porque es muy despreciado por eso
    No te perdona llorar
    Ese amor llega asi esta manera.
    No tiene la culpa.
    Amor de compra y venta.
    Amor de en el pasado.
    Bem, bem...
    Bamboleo, bambolea,
    Porque mi vida yo la prefiero vivir asi.
    Bamboleo, bambolea,
    Porque mi vida yo la prefiero vivir asi.
    No tenes perden de Dios.
    Tu eres mi vida, la fortuna del destino,
    en el destino del desamparado.
    Lo mismo ya que ayer,
    Lo mismo soy yo.
    (No te encuentro l'abandon.)
    Eres imposible no te encuentro de verdad
    Por eso un dia no encuentro si de nada
    Lo mismo ya que ayer,
    (Lo pienso en ti.)
    Bamboleo, bambolea,
    Porque mi vida yo la prefiero vivir asi.
    Bamboleo, bambolea,
    Porque mi vida yo la prefiero vivir asi

    That kind of love arrive this way.
    It's not its fault.
    Horse that dances in vain.
    Because its so very scorned that s why
    It won t forgive your crying.
    That kind of love arrive this way.
    It's not its fault.
    Love bought and sold.
    Love from in the past.
    Come on, come on..
    Bamboleo, bambolea,
    Because that's how I prefer to live my life.
    Bamboleo, Bambolea,
    Because that's how I prefer to live my life.

    You don't have God's forgiveness.
    You are my life, the fate of destiny,
    in the destiny of abandonment.
    Still the same as yesterday,
    The same as me.

    (I can't find you abandonment)
    You're impossible, I can't really find you.
    That's why if for any reason I can't find
    The same as yesterday,
    (I'll be thinking about you.)

    Bamboleo, bambolea,
    Because that's how I prefer to live my life.
    Bamboleo, Bambolea,
    Because that's how I prefer to live my life

    - Translated by Kelly and Nancy Wing. -

    Tu Quieres Volver

    You Want To Return

    Tu quieres volver y no te veo mas
    tu quieres volver y no me encuentro mas
    tu quieres volver y no te veo mas
    tu quieres volver y no me ciento na.
    Ahora tu me pierdes la razon
    no digas nada
    siempre siempre sea los dos
    y sabemos aquella noche
    que por la calle
    lo mismo sera.
    *(1) (repeat)
    Yo pienso aquel dia
    lo mismo que ayer,
    lo mismo sera.
    *(1) (repeat)

    You want to return and I don't see you anymore
    you want to return and I can't
    find myself anymore
    you want to return and I don't see you anymore
    you want to return and I don't feel anything.
    Now you make me lose reason.
    don't say anything
    always, always it will be the two of us
    and we know that night
    that in the street
    the same thing will be.

    *(1) (repeat)
    I think that day
    the same thing as yesterday,
    the same thing will be.

    *(1) (repeat)

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    Bem, Bem, Maria

    Well, Well, Maria

    No te vayas, vuelves ya
    tu no me dejas
    tu no me digas, ole,
    igual que chiquilla.
    No te vayas, vuelves ya
    tu no me dejas
    tu no me digas, ole,
    igual que ya me abandono.
    Bem, bem, bem, Maria te quiero,
    bem, bem, ... Maria te adoro.
    cambia, ay, desenganame
    esa precisa mentira
    ya se que ya me abandono.
    *(1) (repeat)

    Don't go away, come back now
    don't leave me
    don't tell me, ole,
    the same way as a little girl
    Don't go away, come back now
    don't leave me
    don't tell me, ole,
    the same way that you already abandoned me

    Well, well, well, Maria I love you
    well, well, ... Maria I adore you

    ay, don't deceive me
    that precise lie
    I already know that you have already abandoned me

    *(1) (repeat)

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    A Mi Manera

    My Way

    Yo se que no vendras,
    por eso ya, tanto al olvido
    dejar un nuevo amor tanto mejor
    (ay) como el mio
    deja e ir a vivir
    (ay) de este mundo de tristeza
    deja e ir a vivir, ay mi manera.
    Yo quiero ser, ay nada mas
    me quedare y recordar
    un nuevo amor tanto mejor
    quisiera olvidar tanto lo mejor
    quisiera vivir, ay nada mas
    oh, si, „my way”.

    I know that you will not come
    and that's why, so muchto forget
    to leave a new love, so much better
    ay, like mine
    to leave and go on to live
    ay, in this world of sadness
    to leave and go on to live, my way.
    I want to be, ay nothing more
    I will stay and remember
    a new love, so much better
    I would like to forget so much the best
    I would like to live, ay nothing more
    oh yes, my way.


    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    Quiero Saber

    I Want To Know

    Quiero saber
    Que lo me importa de ti
    Y conocer
    Un nuevo amor
    Y tu forma de ser
    No llegue a comprender
    Y tus ojos ya llorando un dia
    Para mi
    da-do (etc.)
    Corre cada noche voy pensando
    Como pienso en ti
    Corre cada noche voy pensando
    Como pienso en ti
    El amor que sera
    Recordando el ayer

    I want to know
    What matters to me about you
    And get acquainted with
    A new love
    And your way of being
    I never came to understand
    And your eyes crying one day
    For me
    da-do (etc.)
    It occurs that every night I go thinking
    How I think of you
    It occurs that every night I go thinking
    How I think of you
    The love that will be
    Remembering yesterday

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    Amor, Amor

    Love, Love

    Yo me recuerdo
    Ya un dia
    Que te iba encontrar
    Eras solita por la calle
    Tu sola me esperabas
    Amor amor amor amor
    Amor amor amor amor
    Amor amor amor
    De aquella noche
    Decia la gente
    Quiero que vivas conmigo
    Estoy naciendo para vivir
    Pero me encuentro sin nada

    I remember
    One day
    I was going to meet you
    You were alone on the street
    You were alone waiting for me
    Love love love love
    Love love love love
    Love love love
    Of that night

    People were talking
    I want you to live with me
    I am being born to live
    But I find myself with nothing

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    Vamos a Bailar

    Let's Dance

    Regala me
    Tu veinte anos
    Regala me
    Sin saber porque
    A si tu me quieres
    A di me lo
    Diga me lo ya
    Nina bonita
    Ay si tu me quieres
    Como yo
    Yo te quiero a ti
    Vamos a bailar
    Vamos a cantar
    Vamos a bailar
    Este ritmo que tocamos
    Ya un amor sincero
    De aquel amor
    Tanto lo busque
    Poner para ti
    Ay yo soy sincero
    Ay de este amor
    Tanto yo busque
    Vamos a bailar...

    Give me as a present
    Your twenty years
    Give me as a present
    Without knowing why
    I will consider
    whether you love me
    If you tell it to me
    Tell it to me already

    Beautiful girl
    Ay if you love me
    As I
    I love you

    Let's dance
    Let's sing
    Let's dance
    This rhythm that we play

    I will consider
    A sincere love
    That love
    That I looked for so much

    Find for yourself
    Ay I am sincere
    Ay about this love
    That I looked for so much

    Let's dance...

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    netwave. or. jp
    زندگی صحنه ی یکتای هنرمندی ماست / هر کسی نغمه ی خود خواند و از صحنه رود
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  5. 5 کاربر برای این پست از Mona تشکر کرده اند:

  6. #3
    Mona آواتار ها
    مسئول بازنشسته

    عنوان کاربری
    مسئول بازنشسته
    شماره عضویت
    تاریخ عضویت
    Aug 2008
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    Mosaique 1989

    __________________________________________________ ___

    Caminando Por La Calle

    Walking In The Street

    Caminando por la calle
    Yo te vi
    Caminando por la calle
    Yo te vi
    Y un dia yo me enamore de ti
    Y un dia yo me enamore de ti
    Caminando por la calle
    Yo te vi
    Caminando por la calle
    Yo te vi
    Y un dia yo me enamore de ti
    Y un dia yo me enamore de ti
    Lo lai lo lai lo lo, etc.
    Caminando por la calle
    Yo te vi
    Caminando por la calle
    Yo te vi
    Y un dia yo me enamore de ti
    Y un dia yo me enamore de ti
    Caminando por la calle
    Yo te vi
    Caminando por la calle
    Yo te vi
    Y un dia yo me enamore de ti
    Y un dia yo me enamore de ti
    Lo lai lo lai lo lo, etc.

    Walking in the Street
    I saw you
    Walking in the Street
    I saw you
    And one day I fell in love with you
    And one day I fell in love with you
    Walking in the Street
    I saw you
    Walking in the Street
    I saw you
    And one day I fell in love with you
    And one day I fell in love with you
    Lo lai lo lai lo lo, etc.
    Walking in the Street
    I saw you
    Walking in the Street
    I saw you
    And one day I fell in love with you
    And one day I fell in love with you
    Walking in the Street
    I saw you
    Walking in the Street
    I saw you
    And one day I fell in love with you
    And one day I fell in love with you
    Lo lai lo lai lo lo, etc.

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    El Camino

    The Way

    Yo me encuentro triste solo
    y buscando por la calle
    mi camino
    Porque soy un vagabundo
    en mi tierra en el mundo
    mi camino
    Yo me encuentro triste solo
    y buscando por la calle
    mi camino
    El camino mi camino
    el camino del verano
    y yo soy un vagabundo
    yo me voy por este mundo
    Mi guitarra entre las manos
    Tocando por mis hermanos
    El camino
    El camino mi camino
    el camino del verano
    y yo soy un vagabundo
    yo me voy por este mundo
    La mujer que yo mas quiero
    Es la que me sige fiero
    El camino
    Yo la quiero tanto tanto
    y por ella canto canto
    El camino
    Mi guitarra entre las manos
    Tocando por mis hermanos
    El camino
    El camino mi camino
    el camino del verano
    y yo soy un vagabundo
    yo me voy por este mundo

    I find myself sad and alone
    And in the street looking
    for my way
    Because I am a vagabund
    in my homeland and in the world
    my way
    I find myself sad and alone
    And in the street looking
    for my way
    My way my way
    the way of summer
    and I am a vagabond
    I go through this world
    My guitar between my hands
    Playing for my brothers
    The way
    The way my way
    the way of summer
    and I am a vagabond
    I go through this world
    The woman I love most
    Is the one who follows me fiercely
    The way
    I love her so so much
    And for her I sing, I sing
    The way
    My guitar between my hands
    Playing for my brothers
    The way
    The way my way
    the way of summer
    and I am a vagabond
    I go through this world

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    To Fly

    Pienso che un sueno parecido
    no volvera mas
    y me pintaba las manos
    y la cara d'azul
    y de improviso el viento rapido me llevo
    y me hizo volar en el cielo infinito.
    Volare oh oh
    Cantare oh oh
    Nel blu dipinto di blu
    felice di stare lassu
    y volando, volando feliz
    yo me encuentro mas alto
    mas alto que el sol
    mientras el mundo se aleja despacio
    despacio de mi
    una musica dulce tocada
    solo para mi
    Volare oh oh
    Cantare oh oh oh oh
    Nel blu di pinto di blu
    felice di stare lassu

    I think that such a dream
    will not return again
    and it painted my hands
    and face blue
    and unexpectedly the wind carried me fast
    and made me fly in the infinite sky.
    To fly oh oh
    To sing oh oh
    In the blue painted blue
    happy to be up there
    and flying, flying happy
    I find myself higher
    higher than the sun
    while the world slowly, slowly gets farther
    away from me
    a sweet music played
    only for me
    To fly oh
    To sing oh oh oh oh
    In the blue painted blue
    happy to be up there.

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    Trista Pena

    Sad Pain

    Yo se que un dia volvera
    trista pena
    ya dejala ya
    Yo se que un dia volvera
    trista pena
    yo la voy buscar
    Y yo no me acuerdo de ella
    amor amor amargo
    amor bien agitanado
    amor con mi querer
    Hoy para vivir
    amor confundi
    y no sabe llorar
    hoy manana vivir
    no sabes confundir
    un amor de verdad
    pero ya lo siento ya
    La que mas queria
    amor mas agitanado
    amor ya mas agitanado
    amor ya sin tu querer
    Hoy para vivir
    amor confundi
    y no sabe llorar
    hoy manana vivir
    no sabes confundir
    un amor de verdad
    pero ya lo siento ya
    Hoy para vivir
    amor confundi
    y no sabe llorar
    Hoy para vivir
    amor confundi
    y no sabe llorar
    pero un amor verdad

    I know that someday she will return
    sad pain
    leave her alone now
    I know that someday she will return
    sad pain
    I'm going to look for her
    And I don't remember her
    a love, a bitter love
    a love very gypsy-like
    a love with my wanting
    Today to live
    I confused love
    and you don't know how to cry
    today, tomorrow to live
    you don't know how to confuse
    a real love
    but I already feel it
    The one whom I most loved
    the most gypsy-like love
    the most gypsy-like love
    a love without your love
    Today to live
    I confused love
    and you don't know how to cry
    today, tomorrow to live
    you don't know how to confuse
    a real love
    but I already feel it
    Today to live
    I confused love
    and you don't know how to cry
    Today to live
    I confused love
    and you don't know how to cry
    but a real love

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    Mountain Woman

    Serana, acuerdate de aquel dia
    Para siempre quererte
    Serana, acuerdate de aquel dia
    Siempre yo me quedo pensando
    Para no olvidarte
    Lo que tenia solo por ti
    La mujer que yo mas quiero
    Ay, no cumplia
    No quiero, acuerdate de aquel dia
    Y sonar de la mujer que tengo
    Sonando, acuerdate de aquel dia
    Y me quedo yo pensando
    Ay, para no olvidarte
    Que solo quiero acariciarte
    La mujer que yo mas quiero
    Ay, no puedo olvidar
    Si tu quieres yo no quiero
    Si tu quieres yo no quiero
    Es que no me quieres ya
    Es que no me quieres ya
    Otra vez gusto no tengo
    Que gusto nunca me ha dado
    Si tu quieres yo no quiero
    Es que no me quieres ya
    Es que no me quieres ya
    Otra vez gusto no tengo
    Que gusto nunca me ha dado
    Si tu quieres yo no quiero
    Es que no me quieres ya
    Es que no me quieres ya
    Otra vez gusto no tengo
    Si lo tenemos nunca

    Mountain woman, remember that day
    To love you forever
    Mountain woman, remember that day
    I always remain thinking
    So as not to forget you
    What I had only for you
    The woman I loved most
    Ay, didn't fulfill her promise
    I don't want, remember that day
    And dreaming of the woman I have
    Dreaming, remember that day
    And I remain thinking
    Ay, so as not to forget you
    That I only want to caress you
    The woman I love most
    Ay, I can't forget
    If you want (to forget) I don't want to
    If you want (to forget) I don't want to
    It's that you don't love me anymore
    It's that you don't love me anymore
    Again I don't have pleasure
    You never gave me pleasure
    If you want (to forget) I don't want to
    It's that you don't love me anymore
    It's that you don't love me anymore
    Again I don't have pleasure
    You never gave me pleasure
    If you want (to forget) I don't want to
    It's that you don't love me anymore
    It's that you don't love me anymore
    Again I don't have pleasure
    If ever we had it

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    Nina Morena

    Dark Girl

    Lai lo lai lo lai lo, etc.
    Ay nina morena
    Ay dimelo si tu me quieres
    Y ahora ay no diga nada
    Porque el amor
    Que yo te tengo para ti
    Ay nina morena
    Ay dimelo si tu me quieres
    Y ahora ay no diga nada
    Porque el amor
    Que yo te tengo para ti
    No, no, no, no, no,
    que no la quiero
    No, no, no, no la quiero yo
    No, no, no, no, no,
    que no la quiero
    No, no, no, no la quiero yo
    Ay de poco tiempo
    Si la verdad que a mi me quiere
    Que el amor, ay la nuestra vida
    Que de tus labios quiero sentir
    Y aprender bien
    No, no, no, no, no,
    que no la quiero
    No, no, no, no la quiero yo
    No, no, no, no, no,
    que no la quiero
    No, no, no, no la quiero yo
    Lai lo lai lo lai lo, etc.
    No, no, no, no, no,
    que no la quiero
    No, no, no, no la quiero yo
    No, no, no, no, no,
    que no la quiero
    No, no, no, no la quiero yo
    Lai lo lai lo lai lo, etc.

    Lai lo lai lo lai lo, etc.
    Ay dark girl
    Ay tell me if you love me
    And now don't say anything
    Because of the love
    That I have for you
    Ay dark girl
    Ay tell me if you love me
    And now don't say anything
    Because of the love
    That I have for you
    No, no, no, no, no
    I don't love her
    No, no, no, I don't love her
    No, no, no, no, no
    I don't love her
    No, no, no, I don't love her
    Ay it's been a short time
    If it's true that you love me
    Love, ay our lives
    From your lips I want to feel
    And learn well
    No, no, no, no, no
    I don't love her
    No, no, no, I don't love her
    No, no, no, no, no
    I don't love her
    No, no, no, I don't love her
    Lai lo lai lo lai lo, etc.
    No, no, no, no, no
    I don't love her
    No, no, no, I don't love her
    No, no, no, no, no
    I don't love her
    No, no, no, I don't love her
    Lai lo lai lo lai lo, etc.

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    netwave. or. jp
    زندگی صحنه ی یکتای هنرمندی ماست / هر کسی نغمه ی خود خواند و از صحنه رود
    صحــــــــــــنه پیوســـــــــته بجاســـــت / خرم آن نغمه که مردم سپارند به یــــــــــــاد

  7. 3 کاربر برای این پست از Mona تشکر کرده اند:

  8. #4
    Mona آواتار ها
    مسئول بازنشسته

    عنوان کاربری
    مسئول بازنشسته
    شماره عضویت
    تاریخ عضویت
    Aug 2008
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    ESTE MUNDO 1991


    Baila Me

    (Dance with me)

    Cuando sei Maria Dolores
    (When I met Maria Dolores)
    Cuando sei quei mal d'amore
    (that's when I met [knew of] a bad love)
    Cuando sei quei mal a su vera
    (when I knew of her evil ways)
    Cuando sei me va al dottore
    (that's when I know I had to go see the doctor)
    Baila (x7) me
    (dance with me)
    Esta rumba a ta gitana
    (this song for you, gipsy)
    Que yo siempre cantare
    (is the one I will always sing)
    Pero yo siempre cantare
    (x2) (but I will always sing)
    Esta rumba a ta gitana
    (this song for you, gipsy)
    Que yo siempre cantare
    (is the one I will always sing)
    Que solo vivo enamore te (x2)
    (I live to fall in love with you)
    Me enamore de esta gitana
    (I fell in love with this gipsy)
    Que ya se ponga a bailando
    (begin dancing, already!!)

    (Many thanks to Karen Yacich for offering.)

    Sin Ella

    (Without Her)

    Te dare
    el amor que no has tenido
    Por lo vivir sufriendo
    dejamo per nunca no olvidar lo
    Dejamo para vivir asi
    dejamo para vivir asi
    Como podrias tu vivir
    como podrias tu vivir
    sin ella
    Si no la quieres deja la
    si no la quieres deja la
    vivir en paz
    Como podrias tu vivir
    como podrias tu vivir
    sin ella
    Si no la quieres deja la
    si no la quieres deja la
    vivir en paz

    I will give you
    The love that you haven't had
    To live it suffering
    We leave it to never forget it
    We leave it to live this way
    We leave it to live this way
    How would you be able to live
    How would you be able to live
    without her
    If you don't love her let her
    If you don't love her let her
    Live in peace
    How would you be able to live
    How would you be able to live
    without her
    If you don't love her let her
    If you don't love her let her
    Live in peace

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    Habla Me

    as I love you

    Habla me,
    como te camelo yo
    quiere me
    como te amo yo.
    Es un amor ten grande
    de aquel amor que yo tenia lo guardaba yo de aquel amor que yo
    tenia lo guardaba yo. Es como un final
    y volver ayer.
    Quiere me,
    como te camelo yo
    quiere me
    como te amo yo.
    Es un amor posible
    de aquel amor que yo tenia lo guardaba yo de aquel amor que yo tenia lo guardaba yo.
    Es como un final
    y volver ayer.
    Ella volvera a ver
    que no te va cmprender
    de aquel amor que yo tenia lo guardaba yo Es como un final
    y volver ayer.
    Yo se que volveras
    y nos entra el amor.
    De aquel amor que yo yenia lo guardaba
    yo es como un final y ya volver a ayer.

    as I love you
    Love me
    as I love you
    Is such a big love
    such love I had to keep for me
    such love I had to keep for me
    is like the end
    and go back to yesterday
    Love me
    as I love yo
    Love me as I love you
    Is a possible love
    such love I had to keep for me
    such love I had to keep for me
    Is like the end
    and go back to yesterday
    She will see again
    that won't understand you
    such love I had to keep for me
    Is like the end
    and go back to yesterday
    I know you will be back
    and love will begin on us
    such love I had to keep for me
    is like the end and go back to yesterday
    such love I had to keep for me

    - Translated by Laura Haines. -



    Oy, venga aqui, venga alla, tu bonita,
    Ahora mira esta gitana,
    mira como baila,
    mira si tiene gracia, la cadera al bailar,
    que su forma de vivir
    que supongo yo sin ti,
    Mira como baila,
    la cadera al bailar
    mira la gitana.
    Oy, venga aqui, venga alla, tu bonita,
    Dime si me quieres
    o sino me dejas en paz
    dime si tu me quieres
    que me voy, y que sera mejor.
    Oy, venga aqui, venga alla, tu bonita,

    Help me
    Oy, come here, come there, you pretty one
    Now look at that gypsy
    look how she dances
    look if she has gracefulness, her thigh as she dances,
    her way of living
    that I suppose without you
    Look how she dances
    her thigh as she dances
    look at that gypsy
    Oy, come here, come there, you pretty one
    Tell me if you love me
    or if not leave me in peace
    tell me if you love me
    because I'm leaving, and that will better
    Oy, come here, come there, you pretty one

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    Mi Vida

    (My Life)

    Que por que hace el amor vendras
    que en el rincon, todo es posible corner,
    nuestro amor que al olvidar
    Se que de nuestro amor piensan
    que el motivo tu tendras
    para tratar de olvidar

    Hoy mi nina no lo puede ser
    con locura que no he de llegar
    contenta el amor
    Hoy mi nina porque en el motivo sera
    que recuerdo,
    que ya del motivo sienta mas

    Lloras, lloras, lloras, llorando, ...

    Solo queda el recuerdo de mi
    que el silencio que me das,
    que ya perdi junto a ti
    Se recordada del amor,
    que nunca agradecereis
    para que sienta el dolor
    Hoy mi vida porque tu seras el motivo porque del amor pensar en ti
    Hoy mi vida, trate de contigo estas
    que me vas perdiendo amor
    Lloras, lloras, lloras, llorando, ...
    Que recordada del amor
    que el silencio si me das
    que ya perdi tu calor
    Que recuerdo del amor
    que pasamos una noche sin ella,
    con locura ya que mi sera
    que recuerdo queda el amor,
    pensando en ti

    Ay mi vida porque ta lo nuestro ya
    que recuerdo soy del no pedir
    que la vida que
    que la vida que no sera
    que la vida que
    ya estoy muerto del pensar no olvidar
    que la vida que
    que el recuerdo ya su amor nunca mas,
    nunca mas

    Why does love make you go into a
    everything is possible for
    our love to forget
    Today I know that of our love they think
    that you have a reason
    to try to forget
    Today my little girl it can't be
    that with craziness love will
    arrive happily
    my little girl because
    for this reason I remember
    that for this reason I feel more
    You cry, you cry, you cry, crying, ...
    Only the memory of me is left
    that the silence you give me
    that I already lost next to you
    Let love be remembered
    that you never acknowledge
    So that I feel pain
    Today my life because you will be the
    reason why because of love I think of you
    Today my life, I tried to be with you
    but you are losing your love for me

    You cry, you cry, you cry, crying, ...
    That love remembered
    that the silence you give me
    that I have lost your warmth
    that I remember the love
    that we had one night without it
    with craziness will be that I remember
    that love is left,
    thinking of you
    Ay my life because everything about us
    that I remember, I am not one to ask
    that life that
    that life won't be
    that life that
    I am already dead from thinking to not
    forget that life that
    that the memory of your love never again,
    never again

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -
    El Mauro

    (El Mauro)

    Sabeis lo que queremos
    pero no tenemos
    Sabeis lo que queremos
    pero no tenemos
    salud, amor y la libertad
    son los prefiero.
    Vengo el mauro, el mauro, el mauro,...
    Y ve tanta recompensa gitano
    por el senor de los cielos
    porque el amor que se apaga
    entre lo malo y lo bueno.

    You know what we want
    but we don't have
    You know what we want
    but we don't have
    health, love and liberty
    are what we prefer
    I'm coming el mauro, etc.
    And see so much reward gypsy
    by the lord of the heavens
    because love is extinguished
    between evil and good

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    No Volvere

    (I Will Not Return)

    Amor mio
    amor mio por favor
    tu no te vas
    Yo cuentare a las horas
    que la ya veo
    Amor mio
    amor mio por favor
    tu no te vas
    Yo cuentare a las horas
    que la ya veo
    no volvere no volvere no volvere
    No quiere recordar no quiere recordar
    no volvere no volvere no volvere
    No quiere recordar no quiere recordar

    My Love
    My love please
    Don't go away
    I will count the hours
    Until I see her
    My Love
    My love please
    Don't go away
    I will count the hours
    Until I see her
    Come back
    I will not return I will not return...
    I don't want to remember, I don't want to remember
    Come back
    I will not return I will not return...
    I don't want to remember, I don't want to remember

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    Oh Mai

    (Oh Mai)

    El aire,
    yo quisiera ser el aire
    ay me muero.
    Yo quisiera vivir del mar el aire,
    yo quisiera ser el aire
    ay me muero
    porque ser tambien sei amado.
    *Oh mai, ya que te
    signe li
    busca mai ya paya taverne
    oh mai, ya que te signe, oh mai
    La quiero
    porque yo la quiero mucho me muero
    porque a nadie habeis amado
    la adoro
    porque si tengo otro amor asi
    y vivi me muero.
    porque no me habeis amado.

    The air,
    I would like to be the air
    ay I'm dying.
    I would like to live from the sea the air,
    I would like to be the air
    ay I'm dying
    because to be also is to be loved
    *Oh mai, since I sent you
    the signal
    look for me there in the tavern
    oh mai, since I sent you the signal, oh mai
    I love her
    because I love her so much I'm dying
    because you haven't loved anyone
    I adore her
    because if I have another
    love like that and lived, I'll die
    because you haven't loved

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    Este Mundo

    Deja mi vida en este mundo
    para recordar lo de nuestro amor
    para olvidar ya no tengo
    deja me vida en este mundo.
    Para, para bada da...
    La, la, la, la, la...
    Campo, campo de gitano
    yo vivire que siempre yo cantare
    siempre la vida la vivimos.
    Vivire, cantare
    Deja mi vida en este mundo
    para nunca mas llorando
    mi vida, nuestra vida.
    Siempre estoy
    deja vivir mi tormento.
    Para, para bada da...
    La, la, la, la, la...


    netwave. or. jp
    ویرایش توسط Mona : Saturday 10 April 2010 در ساعت 07:48 PM

  9. 4 کاربر برای این پست از Mona تشکر کرده اند:

  10. #5
    Mona آواتار ها
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    La Quiero

    (I Love Her)

    The version from the „Live” CD

    La quiero, la quiero
    La quiero a esa mujer
    A mi ya no me queria
    Y todo lo puedo ver
    La quiero, la quiero
    La quiero a esa mujer
    A mi ya no me queria
    Y todo lo puedo ver
    Ay, se que ella
    Que ella no me queria
    Que yo la quiero de verdad
    Cuando me ponga esa a bailar
    Ay, se que ella
    Que ella no me queria
    Y yo la quiero de verdad
    En lo que ponga esa a bailar
    La quiero, la quiero
    La quiero a esa mujer
    A mi ya no me queria
    Y todo lo puedo ver
    Ay, se que ella
    La de la piel morena
    Es una pura gitana
    Cuando se ponga esa a bailar
    Esa gitana
    La nina de la piel morena
    Es una pura gitana
    Cuando se ponga esa bailar
    La quiero, la quiero
    La quiero a esa mujer
    A mi ya no me queria
    Y todo lo puedo ver
    Lo lai lo, lo lai lo, etc

    I love her, I love her
    I love that woman
    She didn't love me anymore
    And I can see it all
    I love her, I love her
    I love that woman
    She didn't love me anymore
    And I can see it all
    Ay, I know that she
    That she didn't love me
    That I love her truly
    Whenever that one gets to dancing for me
    Ay, I know that she
    That she didn't love me
    And I love her truly
    Whenever that one gets to dancing
    I love her, I love her
    I love that woman
    She didn't love me anymore
    And I can see it all
    Ay, I know that she
    The one with the brown skin
    Is a pure gypsy
    Whenever that one gets to dancing
    That gypsy
    The girl with the brown skin
    Is a pure gypsy
    Whenever that one gets to dancing
    I love her, I love her
    I love that woman
    She didn't love me anymore
    And I can see it all
    Lo lai lo, lo lai lo, etc.

    The studio version from the „Greatest Hits” CD

    Esta tan fiero
    Yo la quiero de verdad
    Esa mujer de piel morena
    Yo la quiero de verdad
    Yo la camelo
    Yo la camelo de verdad
    Esa mujer de piel morena
    Yo la quiero de verdad

    It is so fierce
    I love her truly
    That woman with brown skin
    I love her truly
    I love her
    I love her truly
    That woman with brown skin
    I love her truly

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    netwave. or. jp
    ویرایش توسط Mona : Sunday 16 May 2010 در ساعت 02:29 PM

  11. 3 کاربر برای این پست از Mona تشکر کرده اند:

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  13. 2 کاربر برای این پست از sam720 تشکر کرده اند:

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    نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط sam720 [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید]
    دستت درد نکنه فقط کاش میشد آهنگ هاشون رو هم اضافه میکردید زیر هر متن
    بازم تشکر میکنم

    خواهش می کنم دوست من. شما از این [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید] می تونید ترانه های این گروه رو دانلود بفرمایید البته تمام آلبومها نیست...

    موفق باشید

  15. 5 کاربر برای این پست از Mona تشکر کرده اند:

  16. #8
    amir1055 آواتار ها
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    کارتون واقعا جای تقدیر و تشکر داره دوست عزیز.
    .Applaud, my friends, the comedy is over

  17. 2 کاربر برای این پست از amir1055 تشکر کرده اند:

  18. #9
    Mona آواتار ها
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    LOVE & LIBERTE 1993

    __________________________________________________ __________

    Pedir a Tu Corazon

    (Ask Your Heart)

    Pedir a tu corazon
    que me quiere un poco
    no puedo vivir sin ti
    tu me tienes loco
    Soy como el aire, soy como el aire
    La que yo respire,
    soy como el aire que respire
    soy como el aire que you respire

    Pedir a tu corazon
    que me quiere un poco
    Pedir a tu corazon
    que me quiere un poco
    no puedo vivir sin ti
    tu me tienes loco
    Ay me estoy muriendo
    si no viene pronto

    Tabernero, tabernero
    Dame una copa de vino
    Dame una copa de vino
    que siempre you me regalo

    Pedir a tu corazon
    que me quiere un poco
    Pedir a tu corazon
    que me quiere un poco
    no puedo vivir sin ti
    tu me tienes loco
    Ay me estoy muriendo
    si no viene pronto

    Pedir a tu corazon

    Ask your heart
    that it love me a little
    I can't live without you
    You make me crazy
    I am like the air, I am like the air
    that I breath
    I am like the air that I breath
    I am like the air that I breath

    Ask your heart
    that it love me a little
    Ask your heart
    that it love me a little
    I can't live without you
    You make me crazy
    Ay I am dying
    If you don't come soon

    Tavern owner, tavern owner
    Give me a glass of wine
    Give me a glass of wine
    That I always give myself as a present

    Ask your heart
    that it love me a little
    Ask your heart
    that it love me a little
    I can't live without you
    You make me crazy
    Ay I am dying
    If you don't come soon

    Ask your heart

    (This love song asks her heart to love him a little more.)

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    Escucha me

    (Listen to Me)

    Escucha me, escucha me
    Si el hecho de estar es mi corazon
    Dime porque, dime porque
    De tans anos templa mi corazon
    Piensa no es el sueno
    Piensa no porque no me quiere el sueno
    Espere me, espera me
    De nada esta muy tarde dentro de mi
    Escucha me, escucha me
    Calor detiene nada en dentro de ti
    Corazon cabao...

    La lo lai lo lai lo, lai lai lo lai lo lai...
    Ah olvidad, ma olvidad
    Dime quisiera que resto de ti
    Ah olvidad, ma olvidad
    Canciones de este mundo para mi
    Suena de capao, suena de capao

    La lo lai lo lai lo, lai lai lo lai lo lai...

    Listen to me, Listen to me
    If the fact of being is my heart
    Tell me why, tell me why
    After so many years my heart trembles
    I think it's not a dream
    I think not because a dream doesn't love me
    Wait for me, wait for me
    Nothing is very late inside of me
    Listen to me, listen to me
    The heat doesn't stop anything inside of you
    Broken heart...

    La lo lai lo lai lo, lai lai lo lai lo lai...
    Ah forgotten, so forgotten
    Tell me, I would like to stay with you
    Ah forgotten, so forgotten
    Songs of this world for me
    It sounds like it's over, it sounds like it's over

    La lo lai lo lai lo, lai lai lo lai lo lai...

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -



    Yo voy caminando
    ala montana donde naci
    No puedo vivir
    Ala noche del camino ir
    Al del cielo
    Yo mirada una estrella
    No puedo vivir
    Al lado del camino ir
    Que no vivo
    Pasa el tiempo

    I go walking to the mountain
    where I was born I can't live
    Going on the road at night
    On that of the sky
    (meaning the road of the sky)
    I look at a star
    I can't live
    Going on the side of the road
    Because I'm not living
    Time is passing

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -




    Hoy es Navidad, vamos a comprar
    juguetes para los ninos pobres
    que puedan jugar
    Que ese dia ese dia Navidad
    esperando en la calle
    que puedan jugar
    los ninos pobres que puedan jugar
    que puedan jugar
    Que esperemos es dia,
    ese dia Navidad
    para que los ninos que son pobres
    que puedan jugar
    que puedan jugar

    Que esperemos es dia,
    ese dia Navidad
    esperando en la calle
    que puedan jugar
    los ninos pobres que puedan jugar
    que puedan jugar

    Que esperemos es dia,
    ese dia Navidad
    esperando en la calle
    que puedan jugar
    los ninos pobres que puedan jugar
    que puedan jugar

    Hoy es Navidad, vamos a comprar
    juguetes para los ninos pobres
    que puedan jugar

    Today is Christmas, we are going to buy
    toys for the poor children
    so they can play
    That that day, that Christmas day
    waiting in the street
    so they can play
    the poor children so they can play
    so they can play
    let's wait for that day,
    that Chrismas day
    so that the children who are poor
    so they can play
    so they can play

    let's wait for that day,
    that Chrismas day
    waiting in the street
    so they can play
    the poor children so they can play
    so they can play

    let's wait for that day,
    that Chrismas day
    waiting in the street
    so they can play
    the poor children so they can play
    so they can play

    Today is Christmas, we are going to buy
    toys for the poor children
    so they can play

    (The Christmas song says, „We are going to buy toys for the poor children.”)

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    Queda Te Aqui

    (Stay Here)

    Queda te aqui
    Yo sere feliz
    El amor que no has tenido
    Queda te aqui
    Yo sere feliz
    El amor que no has tenido
    La verdad
    Esta ya de un rincon
    Que con palabra te dire
    Que con l'amor se aprende
    Y sin l'amor me va acabando

    Y no se para que
    Que con amor viene ayuda
    Que con palabras te ensenara
    Y sin l'amor me va perdiendo

    Queda te aqui
    Yo sere feliz
    El amor que no has tenido
    Queda te aqui
    Yo sere feliz
    El amor que no has tenido
    La verdad

    Eh ya calor ya no tiene
    Eh ya calor tu no me entiende
    Seca tus ojos, seca tus ojos
    Que este llorando de noche dia
    Seca tus ojos, seca tus ojos

    Queda te aqui
    Yo sere feliz
    El amor que no has tenido
    Queda te aqui
    Yo sere feliz
    El amor que no has tenido
    La verdad

    Stay here
    I will be happy
    The love that you haven't had
    Stay here
    I will be happy
    The love that you haven't had
    The truth
    It is now in a corner
    That with a word I will tell you
    That with love is learned
    And without love is ending for me

    And I don't know why
    That with love comes help
    That with words you will be shown
    And without love I keep on losing

    Stay here
    I will be happy
    The love that you haven't had
    Stay here
    I will be happy
    The love that you haven't had
    The truth

    Eh you no longer have any warmth
    Eh no warmth and you don't understand me
    Dry your eyes, dry your eyes
    That you are crying night and day
    Dry your eyes, dry your eyes

    Stay here
    I will be happy
    The love that you haven't had
    Stay here
    I will be happy
    The love that you haven't had
    The truth

    This song is a cry asking her to stay and allow true love to show them the way.

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    Madre Mia

    (My Mother)

    Yo me encuentro solito
    si no te tengo a mi lado
    y ahora que no vivo
    porque sin ti me muero
    Madre Mia, Madre Mia
    Madre Mia, Madre Mia
    Madre Mia, Madre Mia
    de mi alma

    Madre Mia, Madre Mia
    no te vaya de mi vera
    porque sin ti no vivo

    Muchas penas you tengo
    no vivo, no vivo

    Madre Mia, Madre Mia
    Madre Mia, Madre Mia
    de mi alma

    I find myself all alone
    if I don't have you by my side
    and now I am not living
    because without you I die
    my mother, my mother
    My mother, My mother
    My mother, My mother
    of my soul

    My mother, My mother
    don't go away from my side
    because without you I don't live

    I have much pain
    I am not living, I am not living

    My mother, My motherr
    My mother, My mother
    of my soul

    A prayer to the Virgin Mary, „Without you I can't live.”

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    No vivire

    No vivire
    Si me falta su amor
    contra ti, ser feliz y nada mas
    Sono no mingue
    Sono lo que tenga de signe

    Lo que quiero yo de ti
    Lo que quiero yo de ti
    Lo que quiero yo de ti, de ti, de ti
    me falta tu amor
    Lo que quiero yo de ti
    Lo que quiero yo de ti
    Lo que quiero yo de ti, de ti, de ti
    me falta tu amor
    no quiero perdir su amor

    No vivire
    que l'amor no se acaba
    Cntra ti, ser feliz y nada mas

    Sono no mingue
    Sono lo que tenga de signe

    *(1) repeat
    Yo sere feliz
    No quiero perder te
    Nunca lo vivir sin ti
    No diga mas hoy
    El lo mismo me encuentra
    Ser feliz, vivare y nada mas

    Sono no mingue
    Sono lo que tenga de signe
    Sono no mingue
    Sono lo que tenga de signe
    Sono no mingue
    Sono lo que motivo de signe

    -(This song is about not living without the love that binds them together.)




    Dime Senor, porque no vienes a mi
    Yo no puedo quedarme un dia sin ti
    Los gitanos juntos siempre mirando ahi
    Cuando sueno la noche me siento feliz
    Los gitanos juntos siempre estan mirando ahi
    Dime Senor, porque no vienes a mi
    Los gitanos juntos siempre estan mirando ahi

    Le, le, lei, le, le, etc.
    Los gitanos juntos siempre estan mirando ahi
    Ta, ta, ti, na, na. num, etc.

    Dime Senor, porque no vienes a mi
    Los gitanos juntos siempre estan mirando ahi
    Ta, ta, ti, na, na. num, etc.

    Los gitanos juntos siempre estan mirando ahi

    Tell me Lord why you do not come to me
    I can't stay a day without you
    The gypsies together always look there
    When I dream the night feels happy to me
    The gypsies together always look there
    Tell me Lord why you do not come to me
    The gypsies together always look there

    Le, le, lei, le, le, etc.
    The gypsies together always look there
    Ta, ta, ti, na, na. num, etc.

    Tell me Lord why you do not come to me
    The gypsies together always look there
    Ta, ta, ti, na, na. num, etc.

    The gypsies together always look there

    (A prayer, „Tell me Lord why don't you come to me? When all the gypsies look to you”)

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -

    netwave. or. jp

  19. 3 کاربر برای این پست از Mona تشکر کرده اند:

  20. #10
    Mona آواتار ها
    مسئول بازنشسته

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    Pida Me La

    (Request Her For Me)

    Cada vez que siempre la recuerdo
    Cada vez se que vuelve a dejarme
    Quisiera nunca va a haber
    Tristeza en corazon
    Volver, nunca vuelve a dejarme
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que yo quiero
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que me muero
    Pida me la, pida me la
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que yo quiero
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que me muero
    Pida me la, pida me la
    Cada vez que siempre la recuerdo
    Cada vez nunca va a dejarme
    Quisiera nunca va a haber
    Tristeza en corazon
    Volver, nunca vuelve a dejarme
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que yo quiero
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que me muero
    Pida me la, pida me la
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que yo quiero
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que me muero
    Pida me la, pida me la
    Di di di di di di di, ... etc.
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que yo quiero
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que me muero
    Pida me la, pida me la
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que yo quiero
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que me muero
    Pida me la, pida me la
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que yo quiero
    Pida me la
    Esta nina que me muero
    Pida me la, pida me la
    Each time that I always remember her
    Each time I know she is going to leave me

    I would like that there not be
    Sadness in my heart
    To return, that she never leave me again
    Request her for me
    This girl that I love
    Request her for me
    This girl that is making me die
    Request her for me, request her for me
    Request her for me
    This girl that I love
    Request her for me
    This girl that is making me die
    Request her for me, request her for me
    Each time that I always remember her
    Each time she is never going to leave me
    I would like that there not be
    Sadness in my heart
    To return, that she never leave me again
    Request her for me
    This girl that I love
    Request her for me
    This girl that is making me die
    Request her for me, request her for me
    Request her for me
    This girl that I love
    Request her for me
    This girl that is making me die
    Request her for me, request her for me
    Di di di di di di di, ... etc.
    Request her for me
    This girl that I love
    Request her for me
    This girl that is making me die
    Request her for me, request her for me
    Request her for me
    This girl that I love
    Request her for me
    This girl that is making me die
    Request her for me, request her for me
    Request her for me
    This girl that I love
    Request her for me
    This girl that is making me die
    Request her for me, request her for me

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -



    (I Am)

    La mujer que me queria
    No la puedo comparar
    A la madre de mi nino
    La que tanto amo yo
    Yo le canto a mi familia
    Con todo mi corazon
    Y contento de cantarles
    Y porque gitano soy
    como lo pienso voy
    Es un amor mi vida
    Y porque gitano soy
    como lo pienso voy
    Es un amor mi vida
    Eres tu todo mi vida
    Eres todo mi illusion
    La mujer que yo camelo
    Es por ella que yo vivo
    Es por eso yo te canto
    Con todo mi corazon
    La alegria del cantarle

    The woman who loved me
    I can't compare her
    To the mother of my little boy
    The woman that I love so much
    I sing to my family
    With all my heart
    And happy to sing to them
    Let's go
    And because I am a gypsy
    However I think I go
    My life is a love
    And because I am a gypsy
    However I think I go
    My life is a love
    You are all my life
    You are all my dream
    The woman who I love
    It is for her that I live
    That is why I sing to you
    With all my heart
    The happiness of singing
    Let's go

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    netwave. or. jp
    ویرایش توسط Mona : Sunday 16 May 2010 در ساعت 11:00 PM

  21. 3 کاربر برای این پست از Mona تشکر کرده اند:

  22. #11
    nabegheh95 آواتار ها
    مسئول بخش شعر و ترانه

    عنوان کاربری
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    مونا جان، ترجمه فارسي ترانه هاي رو هم اي كاش بگذاري.
    من از هواي عشق تو ، دل بکنم يا نکنم

  23. 2 کاربر برای این پست از nabegheh95 تشکر کرده اند:

  24. #12
    Mona آواتار ها
    مسئول بازنشسته

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    نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط nabegheh95 [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید]
    مونا جان، ترجمه فارسي ترانه هاي رو هم اي كاش بگذاري.
    نابغه جان، اگر به ترجمه های فارسی اش هم برخورد کردم حتما...

    موفق باشید :)

  25. کاربران زیر از Mona به خاطر این پست تشکر کرده اند:

  26. #13
    Mona آواتار ها
    مسئول بازنشسته

    عنوان کاربری
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    A Tu Vera

    (At Your Side)

    A tu vera
    A tu vera siempre la verita tuya
    A tu vera siempre la verita tuya
    Ai que no muera la pena
    *(1) repeat
    A li ai li ai liai li ai li... (ad lib)
    Ai que ya acaba de ser te
    Ai que yo me voy comprendo
    Ai que acaba de ser te
    Que me enamore que me enamore
    Ai que yo me voy que parecerte
    Que yo me voy echando tanta mia
    Ai me enamore ai me enamore
    A li ai li ai li ai li ai li...

    At your side
    At your side, always at your very side
    At your side, always at your very side
    Ay don't let the pain die
    *(1) repeat
    A li ai li ai liai li ai li... (ad lib)
    Ay it has stopped being you
    Ay I am understanding now
    Ay that it has stopped being you
    That I fell in love that I fell in love
    Ay I am starting to be like you
    And I am throwing away so much that is mine
    Ay I fell in love ay I fell in love
    A li ai li ai li ai li ai li...

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    netwave. or. jp
    ویرایش توسط Mona : Sunday 16 May 2010 در ساعت 10:57 PM

  27. 2 کاربر برای این پست از Mona تشکر کرده اند:

  28. #14
    Mona آواتار ها
    مسئول بازنشسته

    عنوان کاربری
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    ESTRELLAS 1995


    La Rumba de Nicolas

    (Nicolas' Rumba)

    Cuando nosotros cantemos
    en este mundo muy bueno
    Queremos que la gente se levanta
    para bailar
    Cuando nosotros cantemos
    en este mundo muy bueno
    Queremos que la gente se levanta
    para bailar para bailar

    Bamoboleo djobi bamboleo djoba
    Asi se canta la rumba de Nicolas
    Bamoboleo djobi bamboleo djoba
    Asi se canta la rumba de Nicolas
    de Nicolas si si de Nicolas

    Cuando nosotros cantemos
    en este mundo muy bueno
    Queremos que la gente se levanta
    para bailar

    Cuando nosotros cantemos
    en este mundo muy bueno
    Queremos que la gente se levanta
    para bailar para bailar

    Bamoboleo djobi bamboleo djoba
    Asi se canta la rumba de Nicolas
    Bamoboleo djobi bamboleo djoba
    Asi se canta la rumba de Nicolas
    de Nicolas si si de Nicolas

    Whenever we sing
    in this very good world
    We want the people to get up
    to dance
    Whenever we sing
    in this very good world
    We want the people to get up
    to dance to dance

    Bamoboleo djobi bamboleo djoba
    This is how Nicolas' rumba is sung
    Bamoboleo djobi bamboleo djoba
    This is how Nicolas' rumba is sung
    Of Nicolas yes yes of Nicolas

    Whenever we sing
    in this very good world
    We want the people to get up
    to dance

    Whenever we sing
    in this very good world
    We want the people to get up
    to dance to dance

    Bamoboleo djobi bamboleo djoba
    This is how Nicolas' rumba is sung
    Bamoboleo djobi bamboleo djoba
    This is how Nicolas' rumba is sung
    Of Nicolas yes yes of Nicolas

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    A Ti A Ti

    (To You To You)

    En pasen por este rampla
    por la rampla de Barcelona
    encuentre una chiquita
    y la llevo ya a mi casa
    Yo te quiero a ti a ti bem bem bem
    Yo te quiero a ti a ti bem bem bem
    Yo te quiero a ti a ti solamente a ti a ti
    Sabe bien que yo te quiero mujer
    tu eres para mi

    En pasen por este rampla
    encuentre una chiquita
    Yo la mira a su cara
    y ya para mi a mi me gusta

    En pasen por este rampla
    por la rampla de Barcelona
    encuentre una chiquita
    y la llevo ya a mi casa

    Yo te quiero a ti a ti bem bem bem
    Yo te quiero a ti a ti bem bem bem
    Yo te quiero a ti a ti solamente a ti a ti
    Sabe bien que yo te quiero mujer
    tu eres para mi

    Yo te quiero a ti a ti bem bem bem
    Yo te quiero a ti a ti bem bem bem
    Yo te quiero a ti a ti solamente a ti a ti
    Sabe bien que yo te quiero mujer
    tu eres para mi, tu eres para mi

    In passing by the Ramblas
    by the Ramblas of Barcelona
    I found a young girl
    And I took her to my house
    I love you, you, well well well
    I love you, you, well well well
    I love you, you, only you
    You know well that I love you lady
    You are for me

    In passing by the Ramblas
    I found a young girl
    I looked at her face
    And as for me I liked it

    In passing by the Ramblas
    by the Ramblas of Barcelona
    I found a young girl
    And I took her to my house

    I love you, you, well well well
    I love you, you, well well well
    I love you, you, only you
    You know well that I love you lady
    You are for me

    I love you, you, well well well
    I love you, you, well well well
    I love you, you, only you
    You know well that I love you lady
    You are for me. you are for me

    (Las Ramblas is a very famous wide boulevard in Barcelona. People are always walking on this boulevard enjoying the stores, restaurants and the other people. There is always activity there even in the winter when I was there many years ago.)

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    Siempre Acaba Tu Vida

    (Your life always comes to an end)

    Solo pienso carino mio
    Tendra la moriria
    Solo pienso mujer mia
    A ver te tengo
    Solo pienso carino mio
    Tendra la moriria
    Llorando ay, ay, llorando
    Sufrimiento ya amargura
    Prefiero morirme contigo

    Siempre acaba tu vida
    Siempre acaba mi vida
    Siempre tendra el amor mio
    Siempre acaba tu vida
    Siempre acaba mi vida
    Siempre tendra el amor mio

    Ay loca ay loca eh eh
    *Por que el agua para alla desciende?
    Por que el agua para alla desciende?
    Ay loca ay loca eh eh
    Por que el agua para alla desciende?
    Por que el agua para alla desciende?

    I only think, my dear
    To have it, I would die
    I only think, my dear
    Do I have you?
    I only think, my dear
    To have it, I would die
    Crying, oh crying
    Suffering and bitterness
    I prefer to die with you

    Your life always comes to an end
    My life always comes to an end
    She will always have my love
    Your life always comes to an end
    My life always comes to an end
    She will always have my love

    Oh! You wild one
    Why does the water descend from there?
    Why does the water descend from there?
    Oh! You wild one
    Why does the water descend from there?
    Why does the water descend from there?

    *In the song he sings: Por que el agua pa* la desc (i) ende?

    - Translated by Kelly Wing. -




    No quiero manda a nadie
    que me manda a mi
    Me gusta ya vivir delante
    Voy aqui manana mi
    Mi vida siga delante
    Lo que tanta sufri por ti
    Lo que tanta sufri por ti
    No quiero manda a nadie
    que me manda a mi
    Me gusta ya vivir delante
    Voy aqui manana mi
    Mi vida siga delante
    Lo que tanta sufri por ti
    Lo que tanta sufri por ti

    Mujer mujer
    porque cambia tu manera
    y forma de vivir
    Mujer mujer
    porque cambia tu manera
    y forma de vivir

    No quiero manda a nadie
    que me manda a mi
    Me gusta ya vivir delante
    Voy aqui manana mi
    Mi vida siga delante
    Lo que tanta sufri por ti
    Lo que tanta sufri por ti

    Mujer mujer
    porque cambia tu manera
    y forma de vivir
    Mujer mujer
    porque cambia tu manera
    y forma de vivir

    I don't want to dictate to anyone
    or be dictated to
    I like to look ahead
    I'm leaving tomorrow
    My life continues on
    So much I suffered because of you
    So much I suffered because of you
    I don't want to dictate to anyone
    or be dictated to
    I like to look ahead
    I'm leaving tomorrow
    My life continues on
    So much I suffered because of you
    So much I suffered because of you

    Woman woman
    Why do you change your manner
    and way of living
    Woman woman
    Why do you change your manner
    and way of living

    I don't want to dictate to anyone
    or be dictated to
    I like to look ahead
    I'm leaving tomorrow
    My life continues on
    So much I suffered because of you
    So much I suffered because of you

    Woman woman
    Why do you change your manner
    and way of living
    Woman woman
    Why do you change your manner
    and way of living

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -



    (Country Boy)
    No te vayas tu de mi
    No te vayas por favor
    No te vayas tu de mi
    El mundo seria en flor
    Un mundo mejor
    Campesino Campesino
    Campesino sono you

    Don't leave me
    please don't leave
    Don't leave me
    If the world were like a flower
    it would be a better world
    country boy, country boy
    I am a country boy

    (Campesino is a country boy, but not like a Garth Brooks. It is someone that does not live in the city. They live in what is called „the mountains” and are sometimes farmers. I believe they are saying that they are the type that don't live in the city and live in the „mountains”.)

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    Igual Se Entonces

    (It's just the same)

    Si me da que tu me quieres (If you give me affection)
    Come te quiero (the way I love you)
    La verdad que yo te quiero (The truth is that I love you)
    Aia aiaa
    Si me da que tu me quieres
    Como te quiero
    La verdad de mi tormenta (the truth of my torment (suffering))
    Aia aiaa

    Igual se entonces (It's just the same)
    Yo quiero que me comprenda (I want you to understand me)
    Porque ya mi puerta abierta (because my door is now open)
    No quiera que marcha de mi (I don't want you to leave me)

    Solo pienso en mi carino (I only think of my love)
    Come te agnoro (how much I miss you [* or adore you])
    La verdad que yo te quiero (the truth is that I love you)
    Aia aiaa

    Come nadie que se aprende (It's like not learning anything)
    sin tu amor (without your love)
    La verdad que yo te quiero (the truth is that I love you)
    Aia aiaa

    - Sent (not translated) by Rennie Selvaggio. -



    (Little Bird)

    Per escucha usted
    canta pajarito
    Per escucha usted
    suena a tu sonido
    Per escucha usted
    canta pajarito
    Per escucha usted
    suena a tu sonido sonido sonido
    *Siga tu camino delante
    Mi corazon a ti te llama
    Siga tu camino delante
    Mi corazon a ti te llama

    Per escucha usted
    canta pajarito
    Per escucha usted
    suena a tu sonido
    Per escucha usted
    canta pajarito
    Per escucha usted
    suena a tu sonido sonido sonido


    But listen
    The little bird is singing
    But listen
    It sounds like your sound
    But listen
    The little bird is singing
    But listen
    It sounds like your sound sound sound
    *Follow your road ahead
    My heart is calling you
    Follow your road ahead
    My heart is calling you

    But listen
    The little bird is singing
    But listen
    It sounds like your sound
    But listen
    The little bird is singing
    But listen
    It sounds like your sound sound sound


    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    Mi Corazon

    (My Heart)

    Quiero dejar pensar en ti
    Solo mi tormenta
    no la pueda confundir
    Amor y soledad
    y mia locura
    Tristesa a mi me da
    siempre amargura
    y la comparacion
    te tengo
    Yo - el amor
    Yo - el amor
    Tristesa y soledad
    ya mi corazon

    No llore mas por ti
    mi corazon
    Lo guarda en silencio
    por tu amor

    No llore mas por ti
    mi corazon
    Lo guarda en silencio
    por tu amor

    Quiero dejar pensar en ti
    Solo mi tormenta
    no la pueda confundir
    Amor y soledad
    y mia locura
    Tristesa a mi me da
    siempre amargura
    y la comparacion
    te tengo

    Yo - el amor
    Yo - el amor
    Tristesa y soledad
    ya mi corazon

    Yo - el amor
    Yo - el amor
    Tristesa y soledad
    ya mi corazon

    No llore mas por ti
    mi corazon
    Lo guarda en silencio
    por tu amor

    No llore mas por ti
    mi corazon
    Lo guarda en silencio
    Lo olvide ya No llore mas por ti
    mi corazon
    Lo vive en silencio
    A guarda a ti No llore mas por ti
    mi corazon
    Lo guarda en silencio
    Llorando por ti

    I want to stop thinking of you
    Only my torment
    It can't be confused
    Love and loneliness
    And my madness
    Sadness always gives
    Me bitterness
    And the comparison
    I have you
    I - love
    I - love
    Sadness and loneliness
    My heart

    My heart no longer
    Cries for you
    It keeps silent
    For your love

    My heart no longer
    Cries for you
    It keeps silent
    For your love

    I want to stop thinking of you
    Only my torment
    It can't be confused
    Love and loneliness
    And my madness
    Sadness always gives
    Me bitterness
    And the comparison
    I have you

    I - love
    I - love
    Sadness and loneliness
    My heart

    I - love
    I - love
    Sadness and loneliness
    My heart

    My heart no longer
    Cries for you
    It keeps silent
    for your love

    My heart no longer cries for you
    It keeps silent
    It forgets it already
    My heart no longer
    cries for you
    It lives in silence
    On guard for you
    My heart
    no longer cries for you
    It keeps silent crying for you

    - Translated by Rennie Selvaggio. -


    netwave. or. jp

  29. #15
    allergonaut آواتار ها
    کاربر جدید

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    پیش فرض Gipsy Kings

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    With all these stories talking about Rubio not being happy with the draft, some have stated that he could back out and just wait till 2010. And if thats the case, I think the Kings should just go after Jennings.

  30. #16
    bukdub آواتار ها
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    پیش فرض Gipsy Kings

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    Depending on what happens with the draft, I think that we should consider trading for Baron Davis. I know this would be a pretty risky move, but I think that he could be a good fit for the Kings. He was arguably a top 5 PG at the end of last season. He hasnt had a good season this year, but the Clippers system isnt a good fit for him. If we play up-tempo ball, he would dramatically improve the Kings. Also, I dont think that we would have to give up too much to get him and hes probably better than anyone that we can sign in free agency.

صفحه 1 از 2 12 آخرینآخرین

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  1. درسی از عدم موفقیت در موسیقی پاپ
    توسط Leon در انجمن پاپ
    پاسخ: 3
    آخرين نوشته: Thursday 6 October 2011, 02:16 PM
  2. ايرج جنتی عطايی در ملکوت
    توسط Leon در انجمن بزرگان شعر و ادب
    پاسخ: 8
    آخرين نوشته: Wednesday 10 December 2008, 02:17 PM
  3. چه چیزی یک ترانه را ماندگار میکند؟
    توسط ماریا در انجمن پيوند شعر و موسيقي
    پاسخ: 0
    آخرين نوشته: Monday 4 August 2008, 09:08 PM
  4. جان بخشیدن به کلام
    توسط Leon در انجمن آهنگسازی
    پاسخ: 0
    آخرين نوشته: Saturday 5 April 2008, 02:23 PM
  5. کریس د برگ (Chris de burgh)
    توسط Leon در انجمن پاپ
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    آخرين نوشته: Tuesday 26 February 2008, 04:19 PM

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