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موضوع: Yellow Tools Pure E-Basses

  1. #1
    HamedSedighi آواتار ها
    مسئول بازنشسته

    عنوان کاربری
    مسئول بازنشسته
    شماره عضویت
    تاریخ عضویت
    Sep 2007
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    پیش فرض Yellow Tools Pure E-Basses

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    Volume Two Electric Basses Sampling Library EXS24 | 2.29 Gb

    Yellow tools pure e-basses is the first E-Bass library which allows perfect, live sounding e-bass performances: Through the recording of all playing techniques with several velocity splits per note and their breakdown into independent programs, pure e-basses offers boundless possibilities for the user, to combine the basses at will, depending on the kind and his preference of his music production.

    With the e-basses „Ibanez BTB 5-string”, „Warwick Streamer Stage 1 fretless” and „Epiphone Jack Cassidy Signature Model”, volume two of this first class sampling library completes the whole range of electric basses. The Ibanez BTB 5-string was recorded in the playing styles fingered, slap and fingered short. The Warwick Streamer Stage 1 fretless was recorded in the playing style fingered. The Epiphone Jack Cassidy Signature Model was recorded in the playing style fingered muted. Each playing style contains about 2,000 sound samples: all playing techniques like ghost notes, vibrato, tappings, hammer-ons, 8th notes, slides slow, slides fast, pop ghost notes, pop 8th notes etc. are also playable separately with up to 8 velocity splits per note. all playing techniques can be combined to new basses at will! already prefabricated combinations for each playing style with 8 velocity splits per note more than 100 different sound samples per note!!! more than 150 FX per bass (harmonics, fret noises, slides, noises, scrapes etc.) High end recording and editing of the sound samples in real 24bit

    Format: EXS


    [ میهمان گرامی برای مشاهده لینک ها نیاز به ثبت نام دارید]

  2. # ADS

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